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Chairs 4 & 5: The lath back / banister back Hca_button

Chairs 4 & 5: The lath back / banister back

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Chairs 4 & 5: The lath back / banister back Empty Chairs 4 & 5: The lath back / banister back

Post by Chilli-head 13th January 2018, 5:55 pm

I've not taken pictures as I went along with this one, the methods are very similar to the spindle and ladder back chairs I've posted already.  There's a bit more steam bending in this one to make the laths suit the back of the user.  This one is for Mrs C-H, so the shaping of the back laths and the seat height are made to measure.
Chairs 4 & 5: The lath back / banister back 20180111

Number 5 is already in progress; I will hopefully make the last turned parts - the front legs - tomorrow at the Trumpington wassail.
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Chairs 4 & 5: The lath back / banister back Empty Re: Chairs 4 & 5: The lath back / banister back

Post by Chilli-head 17th February 2018, 6:18 pm

And here's number 5.  Inspired by Joshua Klein's reproduction of an American banister back chair.  Not much like it in the end, but uses the idea of the half spindles for the back.  That completes my "set" of 4 for the dining table.  Table itself, is still on the to do list.
Front view:
Chairs 4 & 5: The lath back / banister back Bb510

And around the back:
Chairs 4 & 5: The lath back / banister back Bb610

Because this chair has been made over time, started at the Burwash manor apple day, then at Wimpole craft fair, and the last bits at the Trumpington Wassail, it has quite a mixed identity.  Not only is the design half English, half American, tfe front legs came from Shropshire and the back ones from Cambridge !

I was planning to take a break from chair making now.  But SIL has just had a big ash tree cut down, and a 1m long log is sitting in my garage ...
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Chairs 4 & 5: The lath back / banister back Empty Re: Chairs 4 & 5: The lath back / banister back

Post by FloBear 18th February 2018, 8:47 am

Wonderful work, CH. I like the 'stories' behind them too.
Funny how that ash turned up just as you finished ;-)

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Chairs 4 & 5: The lath back / banister back Empty Re: Chairs 4 & 5: The lath back / banister back

Post by Ploshkin 19th February 2018, 9:39 am

They are both beautiful CH, how lovely to have a chair made to measure.
I think a picture of the full set is called for.

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Chairs 4 & 5: The lath back / banister back Empty Re: Chairs 4 & 5: The lath back / banister back

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